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2 killed in strong convective weather in northwest China

LANZHOU, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) — Northwest China’s Gansu Province experienced severe convective weather on Saturday, resulting in two deaths and cutting off water supply in some areas, local authorities said Sunday.
From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, a round of heavy precipitation lashed many parts along the Hexi Corridor in Gansu, with the accumulated rainfall reaching 78.8 millimeters in the worst-hit areas, according to the local weather bureaus.
According to Jinchang City’s emergency management bureau, the rainfall has resulted in two deaths in the city’s Shuangwan Township.
Heavy downpours have also caused waterlogging on some roads in the urban areas of Jinchang and Wuwei cities, and cut off water supply in parts of Shandan County, Zhangye City, as the main water pipeline was damaged by floods.
Currently, the heavy rainfall in most parts of the Hexi Corridor has ended. Rescue forces have been dispatched for drainage and rescue work and the exact damage is being assessed. ■
